On discovering our Enneagram type it is quite normal for us to feel a little, if not very, unenthusiastic about it. We can find ourselves feeling distinctly unimpressed and looking at the other Enneagram Types feeling that they have more qualities than we have, or less challenges. We think it would be easier if we were another Type rather than our own. In short, we can tend to look at others and think that they have a better deal. This may perhaps be very human but it is not justified. All the personality Types have challenges and they all have gifts. If we find ourselves thinking 'I wish I was an Eight, or a Two, or a Seven or a Five' or whatever, it is worth looking at why that is. What is it about that other Type that you like? What do you think that particular quality or attribute would bring you? More friends? More success? More respect? Why do you want to be a Four, for instance? What would it mean to you? What, exactly, about being a Six would be 'better'? We all have a story behind our wants and desires and often that story Is linked to a childhood experience. We may find it easier to admire another Type than our own because a certain quality about that Type was validated in our childhood. ie: We were rewarded for being tough and so therefore think that being tough is 'better' than being gentle. Societies, too, reward certain personality traits more than others. For example in Western Capitalist societies in recent decades, we have rewarded ambition more than kindness. In any case we are often better at seeing what others have to offer the world than at seeing what we have to offer it. We know what we battle with inwardly, we know our lack of confidence, our secret struggles - none of which we very willingly tend to want to show others. No-one is exempt from inner struggles although some people are better at hiding it. Ones have their issues as Nines have their issues as Threes have their issues etc. And every Type has their own offerings. Quite simply there is no better or worse deal in terms of Type. There is simply a different deal.