I recently created an Enneagram 'wheel' to show the Levels of Development. I wanted to show that the lower down the levels we are, the more entrenched we are in ego and the narrower our view of the world. Up in the higher levels we have a more expansive view of life, are less rigid and more conscious of the choices we make. In short, the higher up the levels we are, the more 'aware' we are so that we wear our ego more lightly.
In this painting each Type is represented by a different colour so we see nine colours. The colours start very dense at the Enneagram symbol in the middle, becoming less dense and fading the further out they are to show that the more developed we are, the less we manifest as our Type. The outer wheel, with all the colours merging into each other in the order of the Types ie:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc. represents the fact that we are made up of all the Types - that we are not simply one Type to the exclusion of the others but, rather, have all the Types within us but one is dominant. In Enneagram language, it is where we are fixated. And that one is our Type.