What did you seek when you were little? The Types that operate from the same centre of intelligence ie: body, heart or mind all wanted the same thing. The 'body' or Instinctive Types, all wanted Autonomy. They basically didn't want anyone interfering with what they wanted to do or their own agency over themselves, although they each had a different way of pursuing it.
The 'heart' or Emotional Types all wanted Attention but again, they each had a different way of going about getting it. The 'head' or Thinking Types all wanted Security but, as in the other triads, they each have a different approach to getting it. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what you wanted when you were little but when we look into the different Types it becomes clear how much this dictates our behaviour and approach to life. As we will see, in each of the triads - Instinctive, Emotional or Thinking - there is one Type that demands what they want, another Type that feels they have to earn what it is they want and another Type that withdraws in order to get what they want. In the next post I will start by looking at the Instinctive Types - the Eight, Nine and One - and what they each do to gain autonomy.